Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Letting the Air Freely Dry the Laundry

A thank you to "meaghan" for sharing this photo on flickr.

I recently bought one of these and I love it. It has eleven drying racks and what works well for me is to wash nine or ten large items plus some assorted socks and washcloths every day (except Sunday). The damp laundry sits overnight on the rack next to my electric dryer. The next morning I do a new load of wash. When it is done washing, I remove the previous day's laundry from the rack and put it into the dryer to tumble on the lowest heat setting during the few minutes it takes me to put the new load of wet laundry onto the rack. This little bit of dryer time softens the laundry items and dries up any dampness still in them.

A nice side-effect of this method is that I have only a dozen or so things to put away each day, and that works very nicely for me. I'm looking forward to seeing the dip in energy usage in our next electric bill, as electric clothes dryers are one of the biggest consumers of electricity in a home.

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